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Female Crusader for Unity UMA 1.0.0

2 Screenshots

About This File

README Contained within


How to Use
1 - Make a new projec in unity
2 - Install UMA(latest edition)
3 - Install this pack
4 - Select the UMA tab at the top of the unity screen - and bring up the Global library window
5 - Drag the folder containing the Female Crusader into the Global Library window
6 - Run the demo scene provided with the pack
You will see two versions of the crusader in the scene - One that has Chest Armour underneath the second Tabbard.  First Tabbard is the standard
base body chainmail all UMAs from Arteria wear.
The second version has Chest Armour.
The differences between the two are not obvious to see at first! - The one with armour has a wider Tabbard and belt.
Contained within the pack are two Wardrobe versions - that allow you to use the tabbard and belt with our without chest armour, and the meshes
are accordingly varied in width to accomodate this

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